
So currently, I’m working on a short film and I’m under deadline. Coming up with a story can be hard. However, sometimes we just need to step back and remember to keep things simple. Here’s three reminders:

  • The story doesn’t have to complicated; the short film doesn’t have to be long. It can be as short as two minutes if you wanted.
  • Listening to cinematic, pop, rap, and a large variety of music can really help tremendous! Music is the Eve to film, the pencil to paper, the dryer to the washing machine… ( I have no idea). Music can inspire you and get you creatively thinking.
  • Go out in walk. Walk in a nature trail. Walk in a busy city. Just go out! It helps clear your mind, decreases your stress level, and its good for your health. In order to be at your peak shape creatively you need to be laid back.

These are just a couple of things that help me out in writing a story. Comment below on what helps you!




Leap of Faith

It’s been awhile since my last post. I’ve been struggling with making my own choices and not following other peoples agenda; to become my own person and learn, explore and become a better me. I’ve been consumed with satisfying others and making sure they’re happy, that have been ignoring my own wants. Then again I don’t want to play the victim because I’m the one who put myself in this situation. I have no one to blame but myself. So its time to reach high. I just need to jump.